Will the price of bitcoin double or crash during the upcoming halving next year? And how will the mining industry adapt to their revenue stream being cut in half over night? See what professional miners from around the...
Negative and zero interest rate policy (NIRP and ZIRP) are becoming a new global norm. Endless printing of paper money is said to make economies stronger, while everyday individuals are seeing their savings worth less and...
On October 31, 2008, on the eve of Halloween, Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin whitepaper. Since then the revolutionary design of the network has changed the lives of many and has transformed how we look at money...
A South Korean presidential committee is pushing for the government to establish legal status for cryptocurrency to stay competitive globally. So far, the government’s policies have been risk-focused to curb speculation,...
Getting at least partially paid with cryptocurrency is a great way to enter the digital asset market without having to do any trading. If you are looking to earn your favorite crypto asset, Bitwage now allows American,...
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement that the country would invest heavily in blockchain technology – coupled with a sweeping move to remove online posts suggesting such technology is a scam – has nourished optimism...
At the peak of the ICO bubble it was a common tactic for project promoters to use big name announcements to pump their tokens. Every day we would hear about a new venture that supposedly signed a partnership with a global...
According to reports, bitcoin mining manufacturer Bitmain Technologies confidentially filed for a U.S.-based initial public offering (IPO) with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The news follows the alleged removal...
As Jameson Lopp once quipped, the smartest thing Satoshi did after creating Bitcoin was to disappear. The question isn’t ‘why did Satoshi disappear?’ but rather ‘why then?’ Was Satoshi’s departure in early 2011 scheduled...