Thursday, January 26, 2017

Free Computational Thinking In Python course coupon

Tackling open ended problems with guile and creativity
Lectures 45
Length 4.5 hours
Skill Level All Levels
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion

What is Python and why is it important?

Python is an interpreted text based general purpose programming language, which has a wonderfully simplified syntax, dynamic typing and an awesome open source community constanly creating more and more amazing libraries and modules. This makes python an awesome tool for someone just getting into proramming as well as someone with serious ambitions in fields like data analysis web development or the Internet of Things. 

What is special about this course?

Quite simply this is the ultimate second programming course for the everyman!. The approach taken demonstrates some theoretical concepts and then asks the student to solve an open ended problem. Much like lifting heavy weights tends to make your muscles bigger, solving hard problems improves your thinking!! Perhaps more importantly these types of problems prompt creativity and create original solutions. Completing this course with an understanding of multiple solutions for each problem will endow the student with a conceptual mastery of Python and thus prepare them to use Python and a professional setting and create real world applications!!

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via R. G.

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