Saturday, January 21, 2017

Free Master your Trigonometry concepts course coupon

Learn all trigonometry concepts in a fun way!
Lectures 14
Length 34 mins
Skill Level All Levels
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion

This Trigonometry course is for school and college level students. In addition, we are teaching advanced topics of Trigonometry to whet the student’s appetite for higher level study. This course is to encourage the student to wonder; to ask “what about…” or “what if…” Most of us are so busy today that we don’t have the time, or don’t take the time, to seek out the beauty and majesty that exists in Mathematics. And, it is there, just below the surface. So be curious and go find it. Hope you have a good experience learning Trigonometry through this course!

The techniques in trigonometry are used for finding relevance in navigation particularly satellite systems and astronomy, naval and aviation industries, oceanography, land surveying, and in cartography (creation of maps). Now those are the scientific applications of the concepts in trigonometry, but most of the math we study would seem (on the surface) to have little real-life application. So is trigonometry really relevant in your day to day activities? You bet it is. Let’s explore areas where this science finds use in our daily activities and how we can use this to resolve problems we might encounter. Although it is unlikely that one will ever need to directly apply a trigonometric function in solving a practical issue, the fundamental background of the science finds usage in an area which is passion for many – music! As you may be aware sound travels in waves and this pattern though not as regular as a sine or cosine function, is still useful
in developing computer music. A computer cannot obviously listen to and comprehend music as we do, so computers represent it mathematically by its constituent sound waves. And this means that sound engineers and technologists who research advances in computer music and even hi-tech music composers have to relate to the basic laws of trigonometry.

Trigonometry finds a perfect partner in modern architecture. The beautifully curved surfaces in steel, stone and glass would be impossible if not for the immense potential of this science. So how does this work actually. In fact the flat panels and straight planes in the building are but at an angle to one another and the illusion is that of a curved surface. Neat huh!

Digital imaging is another real life application of this marvelous science. Computer generation of complex imagery is made possible by the use of geometrical patterns that define the precise location and color of each of the infinite points on the image to be created. The image is made detailed and accurate by a technique referred to as triangulation. The edges of the triangles that form the image make a wire frame of the object to be created and contribute to a realistic
picture. Several imaging technologies that apply the concepts of trigonometry find usage in medicine. The next time you go in for an advanced scanning procedure, be sure to check out how the sine and cosine functions you learn at school find a practical application is medical techniques such as CAT and MRI scanning, in detecting tumors and even in laser

Whoever said studying math has only an academic value! Need other reasons to know how formulae in trigonometry make life easier for you? Now we all use patterns and symmetry in relating to objects around us. For instance there is a need for harmony and symmetrical agreement even if you are just redecorating your home. You need to be sure about angles and positioning when deciding lighting arrangements. And although you won’t need to write out sine formulae for this one, you will still be using the basic laws of triangles in deciding the best angle to show off that trendy lamp on your study table!

Did you know that trigonometry is an arty science that can be used to measure the heights of mountains? So why would we want to measure the heights of mountains. Because this information is of great value for aircraft designing and navigation. And if this sounds overly technical think a

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via R. G.

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