My Unique Method: Just A Notepad And Thirty Minutes A Day – Results In Almost Total Memory Recall – Improve Exam Success
Remember everything you learn
Have total recall at the exam
Study in just 30 minutes a day
Scan a notebook – That’s it
WARNING: Many people poo-poo this idea when they first hear it. Make no mistake. This method, although simple, delivers incredible results.
Hi. My name is Ian Stables.
I discovered a very simple way of studying that gave me almost total recall at exam time.
Just over two hundred took a very difficult insurance exam. Only 10% passed. I Was One of Them.
Let me tell you, insurance was a very dry study subject indeed. I found it to be a real struggle to remember what I needed. Lots of dry facts, regulations, dates, and so on had to be remembered. I had to learn it. My employer had made it a requirement. My job depended on it.
I searched through all manner of study material. Searching for a method of study that would make it easier for me.
I came across a method that relied on computer software. I saw merit in it and found it to be very effective. However, despite its effectiveness, I also found it to be impractical.
After a lot of thought and testing, I came up with a practical way to use this method. All I needed was a small notepad, a certain way of imputing facts to be remembered, and an effective way to use it.
I used this method for twenty to thirty minutes, twice a day, while traveling.
In this short course, I show you how to set up your study notepad and use it to its greatest effect.
Benefits of this study method:
— Almost total recall at the exam.
— No final revision required.
— Just twenty to thirty minutes, twice a day.
— No need to lug heavy textbooks with you. Just a notepad.
Let me show you a far easier way to study and pass your exams. Join now.
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via R. G.
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