Wednesday, February 15, 2017

100% off Free Going Live on Facebook for Beginners course coupon

How to be confident on live video, enjoy broadcasting and engage your audience. After 200 live shows I will help you win
Go LIVE on Facebook , enjoy the experience and make new contacts and build an audience
If you have never broadcast live before then this course is for you.
Facebook Live have made it so easy to go live. they are giving eryone the ability to go live on camera.
This course leads you through every step of going live and gives advice on how you can produce good quality live shows.
This course is designed to help you to go live on Facebook from your desktop , produce a high quality show and re purpose the high quality recording to YouTube afterwards,
Are you using Facebook video to promote your business or class ?
Your audience visit Facebook every day and there is nothing which attracts attention like LIVE video.
Viewers see your name and video in their feed , they are drawn to watch and like it and that in turn attracts their friends
You are building an audience !!
PS Even if you do broadcast already, there is information in the course which will help you improve

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via R. G.

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