Sunday, February 5, 2017

100% off Free How a healthy gut flora can change your life course coupon

You might not know it but the trillions of microbes in your body can radically affect your health – come and see how
Lectures 9
Length 31 mins
Skill Level Beginner Level
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion

You may have heard of gut flora, microbiota, microbiome, commensals. These are the microbes that hitchhike on and in your body. You may have thought yeh fine a few little microbes and if I wash my hands enough they’re not gonna hurt. It’s true they won’t hurt in fact quite the opposite – they are essential for good health. They help digest your food, they produce the precursors to many of your neurotransmitters, they help control your weight, they are key components of a healthy immune system. 
… and there aren’t just a few of them – there are between 40 and 100 trillion – that’s about 10 times the number of human cells you have in your body.

This course explores the microbiota or gut flora… you will learn:

– What and where it is
– What it does
– Why modern western living and diet gives it a hard time
– How to look after it and make sure it’s healthy which means you are healthy.

So welcome to this short course – let’s dive headlong into your gut and make acquaintance with your microscopic friends. 

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via R. G.

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