Saturday, February 11, 2017

100% off Free Wilderness Survival : Survival, Prepping and Preparedness course coupon

Wilderness Survival A Comprehensive Guide , Learn The Essentials of Wilderness Survival. Hunting,Prepping and Survival.
How to stay positive and use the “I will survive” survival mindset to your advantage and bolster your mental strength to carry you through your survival situation
How to use a magnetic compass and topographical map, as well as landmarks and terrain to provide yourself with the proper orientation and sense of direction
How to build a primitive shelter to keep yourself out of the rain and wind and other elements that could have a negative effect on your health
How to start a fire of course using primitive methods such as flint and steel and friction and even some alternative we less conventional ways such as a 9 V battery and steel wool
How to use parachute cord (550 cord) and duct tape to hold your universe together
How to trap small game such as squirrels and rabbits and even fish as well as some very rudimentary knowledge of wild edible plants to supplement your diet of prepackaged freeze-dried food to provide your body with greater nutritional value and higher caloric intake
How to choose a quality multitool, that is best suited to your environment and primary survival needs
How to use a basic first aid kit, effectively to treat minor wounds cuts and scrapes and prevent infection and further injury
As well as many other survival tips tricks and techniques

LATEST: Course Updated Again for Feb 2017
Your Family Isn’t Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado ! Will They Survive ? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?
Will They Die Because You Can’t Even Survive 48 Hours on Your Own ?
Survival and survival training are enjoying a renewed popularity thanks to all the pseudo reality television shows floating around on the airwaves and digital universe. Many people are beginning to wonder again whether or not they have what it takes to survive in the wilderness or deserts or in an urban environment during the man-made or natural disaster. But contrary to popular belief the act of survival is nothing like what is depicted on television or in movies. While it is possible to generate fire by rubbing sticks together to create friction even the most experienced survivalists cannot make it happen in 3 seconds flat in a snowstorm starting a fire with friction takes a great amount of patience and practice and a willingness to survive above everything else. 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!
Think about these things for a minute …
This survival 101 course will help you test your mental limits and teach you how to get in the proper survival mindset for any survival or emergency situation you might encounter. It will also teach you the basic and necessary physical skills for survival and help you to separate fact from fiction when it comes to what is actually possible in a given survival situation, such as exactly how to find food.
Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.
“WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice”
Try drinking water and build a primitive shelter and fire so that you can survive for a minimum of 48 hours until you can either find help (referred to as a self rescue) or be found by rescuers (assisted rescue). Although the minimum is 48 hours, suggested survival time until a rescue can be affected.
It could be as little as little as a few hours or as much as several weeks, until rescue workers may be able to rescue you. It all depends on the climate, the weather environment and a whole host of other factors.
Click the “Take This Course” button, on the top right because every hour you delay is jeopardizing not only your Safety but the Safety of Those You love!!!…Scroll up and Enroll Now!
So the survival 101 course will teach you to take the basic survival skills that you have learned and perfected one step further and survive longer than 48 hours. If absolutely necessary on limited resources and your basic fundamental survival skills to not only survive but thrive in whatever survival scenario you find yourself in.
P.S. We’re living in some of the craziest times in history and many experts agree that it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” you will face an emergency that is beyond what you and your family have prepared for. There’s a famous truism among instructors getting soldiers ready for war.“When the bullets start flying, you WON’T rise to the occasion. You will perform half as well as you did during your best training.”
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via R. G.

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