Thursday, February 23, 2017

Free Free of Pain #1 – A Free Guide course coupon

Learn how to release all your back originated pains – by yourself. Immediately, effortlessly, and painlessly
LEARN how to treat your back originated pains by yourself, in a way that you can use over and over again
REDUCE and maybe even eliminate the pain and increase the level of comfort
EXPERIENCE the reduction in the level of pain e from moment to moment
IMPROVE posture and ease of movement
SLEEP better, awake fewer times during nights
BE ABLE to sit, stand, walk and lie, with less or with no pain
UNDERSTAND how learning simple movement can transform your quality of life, easily and elegantly, with no pain, exertion or stretch
ENJOY the learning process

>> If you have come to the decision that it’s time to be released from all your back originated pains,
>> If you have suffered from your pains for too long,
>> If you would like to be able to go back in time to a few months or years ago when you didn’t have any pains,
Then this course is exactly for you!
In this course you will learn from a highly qualified Physiotherapist and a Feldenkrais teacher how to release yourself from your back originated pains by yourself,
This will be done painlessly without any stretching, exertion, or dependence on anyone or anything else.
The method that I, Orna Pizanty have developed, thanks to the treatment for my own personal pain – can release your pain that stems from:
This course is applicable to all back originated pains that stems from:
The rounded upper back syndrome, scoliosis, Sciatica, degenerative changes, herniated discs , spinal stenosis, inflammation of the joints, Parkinson diseases, fibromyalgia, post stroke condition, car accidents and endless sources of other neurological and orthopedical problems
Now I would like to offer you 9 guided sessions as a gift to help you, by yourself, release your back, neck, arm and leg pain. This is a gift from me to you.

Here is what Ada Medek from Queenstown Australia says about the course:
Dear Orna,
I have just finished the last lesson in your Free of Pain program I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to participate in your program.  For your patience, dedication & instructions, your wonderful attention to details and all your personal mentoring along the way.
It has been a transformational experience for me. I have learned new ways of listening to my body, I have learned to move in different ways and mobilize areas in my body that have been frozen for years. I have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons, and enjoyed my ‘timeout’ doing them with you.
Above all that, I am stronger, more flexible, able to move better, and my back, neck and leg pain has reduced considerably. I am also much better equipped to treat some of those pains myself, before they become an issue.
For all that and more, I am very grateful.  Thank you so very much Orna.  Love, Light & Gratitude always, Ada

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Free of Pain #1 – A Free Guide
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via R. G.

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