Thursday, April 27, 2017

100% off Elite Close Combat Training: Guerrilla Grappling course coupon

How ancient Gladiators, Samurai and other deadly warriors in history made themselves near-invincible in a fight…

Ancient Fighting Secrets Used By Roman Gladiators And Japanese Samurai Lets You Break, Smash And Even KILL Anyone Who Dares Lay A Hand On You…
This may be the most hard-core self defense news you have ever heard. In this course I’m going to show you a new (although it is over 2,000 years old), and different way to have almost “super hero” like abilities in a fight… break another man’s neck with ease… and cause him such unbearable agony he may even black out from the shock…
If you would like to know a secret way to make yourself near-invincible in a fight… then here’s how ancient gladiators, Samurai and other deadly warriors in history did it.
And why you can do the same thing today… with the information in this letter.
Here’s the story:
As you know, a couple thousand years ago in the ancient Roman coliseums, people were often tossed to lions — literally ripped to shreds and eaten in front of hundreds of spectators sadistically cheering it on. It was one of the most gruesome acts of violence ever seen. And even today, people are shocked at the sheer horror of it.
But guess what?
Not everyone who was tossed in the arenas became “lion chow.” A few (very few) people survived these vicious attacks… and, believe it or not…
Even KILLED These
Blood-Thirsty Lions
How did they do it?
By using a special hand-to-hand fighting “trick” that gave them what seemed like super powers. In fact, some people even say the stories about Hercules and other Roman demi-gods could have been based on these acts of raw fighting barbarism.
But these gladiators weren’t the only people to use this fighting secret.
“Fast forward” hundreds of years later, and the Japanese Samurai used this same tactic in war, too. It was their “trump card” for when they were caught unarmed or if their weapons broke on the battlefield. And they would use this secret to tear apart other trained warriors — literally popping the tendons in their necks and limbs… tossing them through the air onto their skulls… and causing them unbearable, gut-wrenching pain just by grabbing them.
In fact, some of the soldiers in the west were scared to death of fighting Samurai warriors due to the stories of their unbelievably brutal combat tactics.
And guess what?
Even though almost nobody truly understands this fighting secret today, if you look through history, you will see…
It Was Used By Almost ALL
The Most Violent (And Feared) Warriors
Who Walked The Earth!
Like, for example…
The soldiers of ancient India… the blood-lusting Spartans… and, today, certain members of our most elite Special Forces.
Hell, even some of our kids are using this strange way of fighting now.
Last year, for example, a 9-year-old child used a variation of this secret to immobilize a savage, frothing-at-the-mouth pit bull that attacked his friend.
Anyway, what is this deadly — near “magical” — way of fighting?
This “miracle” combat secret that let normal humans kill 400 pound blood-thirsty lions… sent shockwaves of fear through medieval Europe… and that our own military now spends a fortune training our most elite soldiers?
It’s called “Guerrilla Grappling.”
And while I’m not saying you should go out and start wrestling lions and attacking Samurai with it… it CAN make you extremely dangerous in a fight.
Frankly, when you understand how REAL grappling (NOT the crap on TV, or in martial arts schools today) is done… then with just one movement, grab or throw, you can horribly mangle anyone who dares touch you.
Squeeze the life out of someone with one hand.
And literally toss bigger and stronger men on their faces so hard…
The Coroner Will Think
They Jumped Off
A 10 Story Building.
It’s just the most brutal thing you ever saw.
I’ve seen big, gnarly looking guys reduced to tears and high-pitched screaming after having just one or two of these secret moves applied to them. And it gives even normal sized people what seems like “super powers

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via R. G.

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