Convert more viewers into actual buyers using one of the best whiteboard animation tools ( VideoScribe ) – ZERO DESIGN
LATEST: Course Updated Again for May 2017
*** + Working files and Samples are AVAILABLE to DOWNLOAD ***
Student Reviews For ” Boost Marketing & Drive Sales using Animation in Videoscribe ” Course:
“Beautifully put together, Maggie has used remarkable teaching skills to hold a novice “video scriber” by the hand and points h/her in the right direction as she clearly communicates foundation principles using video scribe with reference to additional resources to aid better renditions of projects. Worth my time.” – Joseph Oisamoje
” “Boost Marketing & Drive Sales using Animation” Very nice course for the beginners , Instructor covers every VideoScribe features step by step with VS files, you can download and use it, and practice, after every session is over. Also , she covers how to convert BMB to SVG using inkscape software for good output. Overall Worth for Starters…” – UK JAY
“Practical & well explained! :)” – Luke Eugene
“Super informative course! thank you so much for the effort.” – Ekrem Batur
Videoscribe is one of the best and easy to use whiteboard animation program. It’s widely used by Business/Website owners, Marketers and Sales people to spread their products/services and drive sales without needing to have any previous experience with animation coding or graphic design. Also, used by online instructors who want to create high quality explainer and engaging videos to their students.
Through out this course, we are going to cover the following:
At the end of this course, you’d be able to:
I designed this course carefully in order to be understood by absolute beginners as easily as possible. It includes working files and samples attached. Also, I care to answer all your questions as soon as possible and make sure you understand every bit of this course because I care about my students, I really want them to be successful. Finally, you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.
Note: Please always check the external resources.
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via R. G.
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