Friday, May 19, 2017

FREE Udemy Course Creation Motivation Unofficial course coupon

Procrastinating? Join Free Udemy Course & Get 90 Day Guru® Motivation Coaching for Udemy Course Creation – Unofficial

This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.
Have you been struggling to get your Udemy course created?  Are you procrastinating getting your second or third Udemy course published?  Then Udemy Course Creation Motivation, a free Udemy course created by Louise Anne Maurice of 90 Day Guru® E-Learning, is for you!
You are smart!  Why are you procrastinating; especially when Udemy has a number of free “official” courses to guide your success plus countless free resources for teaching success?
Don’t let the fact that this is a free “Unofficial” Udemy course fool you into thinking it is not valuable nor worth your time investment.  This will be the most valuable free Udemy course you will ever take and I want you to take it from start to finish in one sitting.  Why?  Because I am going to share with you the “unofficial” REAL reasons – the REALITY check you need to succeed and it is not that you are unmotivated.
Why listen to me?  Because I currently have 72 courses on Udemy, have been on the Udemy platform since 2015, been teaching online since 2009 but more importantly I understand motivation.
This may be the most important free Udemy course you join.  Start it right now and finish it in one sitting because it will motivate you, not just to create your Udemy course but, in every area of your life.
You will get the boost you need to move forward.
In this course you learn my 7 part Udemy Course Creation Motivation Plan which includes:

The 7 Motivation Myths that might be causing you to procrastinate when it comes to creating your Udemy course are alive and well in many of the Instructors who have yet to complete their course.
Yes, believe it or not when well-meaning people try to motivate you by giving you advice or tactics to try, it might actually be the reason you are procrastinating.
I will share with you how to turn that motivation myth into a motivation magnet by using my 90 Day Guru® Motivation Formula.
I will guide you to design your own custom self-motivation framework that will be your secret weapon to blast through procrastination so you can get your Udemy course created fast.
Throughout this free Udemy course, I will be sharing with you some insight that I have drawn from my 30+ year professional career.
This course is a little different.  You will be learning skills but I will not be telling you what to do.
I will be guiding you to dig deep into your own past, present and future to develop your own custom self-motivation framework.
Think of me as your online coach. I will be sharing with you some examples to help you connect with your truth – as the saying goes the truth shall set you free.
Are you ready to blast past procrastination and become a 90 Day Motivation Guru?
I invite you to join this free Udemy course today!

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via R. G.

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