Monday, May 15, 2017

FREE Women Helping Women to Succeed course coupon

A collection of resources created by women to empower and motivate women in support of International Womens’ Day

This course was originally created as a gift to women around the world and in support of International Women’s Day which is celebrated every year on March 8th.

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2017 is #BeBoldForChange

We are a group of passionate female instructors from around the world from different backgrounds and cultures. What connects us is teaching and our desire to help others.

This course is as diverse as the instructors with a wide variety of lectures covering topics such as boosting yourself, relaxation, learning something new, business skills and career development.

This course celebrates our commonalities, diversity and strengths, it taps into our areas of expertise and aims to give you a taste of what’s possible both as individuals and as a team.

We hope that there is something for everyone and that you can dip in and out of the lectures according to what ignites your interest. If you feel the course would benefit from a particular lecture then let us know and we’ll find a suitable lecture from our bank of instructors.

We hope that some of the lectures if not all of the lectures will inspire you to #BeBoldForChange in your own life and be happier, braver, more confident day to day.

We love hearing from our students so we encourage you to contact us with any questions and comments

We also invite you to join our women’s only Facebook group, “Women Helping Women to Succeed.” Where we post motivational blogs, discuss day to day matters, support each other and have a giggle.

We look forward to getting to know you – Come on in and make yourself at home.

Denise Fletcher
Kristen Palana
Deborah Wojcicki
Kellie Edwards
Jacqueline Seidel
Majo Jacinto
Angelika Davey
Sharon Ramel
Mary Cummings coupons

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via R. G.

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