Friday, June 23, 2017

100% off Option Trading for Rookies: Pro Strategy – Selling Options course coupon

Learn to Sell “Naked” Call and Put Options, Earn Income while controlling your risk, and increasing your success rate

Udemy Course Updated: June, 2017
Investing Strategies and Option Trading:

Selling naked options is a very profitable option trading strategy.
In this course I show you every thing you need to know to trade them correctly, things to avoid and the risks associated with trading naked options.
This is an advanced option strategy. so it is essential that you know and understand the basics of option trading (what they are, how they work) and how to trade basic strategies such as vertical options.
This Udemy option course will give you the roadmap to do sell naked options efficiently, effectively and profitably.
In this Udemy option course, you will learn:

Options trading is made easy.
This course is packed with practical, insightful and educational option material.  These lessons are truly priceless.
It’s easy to play with paper money or track certain trades and see how they perform, but nothing prepares you for trading real money except real trading.  Watching your profits and losses move up and down on a daily basis is enough to put anyone on an emotional rollercoaster.
The only way to prepare yourself to handle the ups and down of trading is to have a solid plan going into it.  This course will give you that!  Learning how to trade options has never been easier.
This course will give you the step-by-step instruction:

Everything will also be shown on real trading platforms, so you can see exactly how to set them up in reality, not just a slide of it.
There is no frivolous information here.  Our goal is to get you up and trading right away, so everything you need to know is here and presented in a straightforward and easy to understand format.  All the information is laid out and explained thoroughly on slides, and then illustrated on live trading platforms to show you how to use it in reality.

Our goal here is to give you the confidence you need to trade successfully, and the way to do that is thru knowledge and knowing how to do the right thing.
As long as you learn to trade options following the rules we lie out for you in our option courses, over time YOU WILL BE a successful trader.
We are going to teach you the “right way” to trade, so you can be a successful trader for the rest of your life.
Please also visit us at SharperTrades and take our FREE Webinar on Earning Monthly Income thru Options.

I’m a firm believer that “Nobody Cares About Your Money More Than You Do.”  I want to teach you how to manage your own money, so you don’t have to pay exorbitant fees to Money Managers who get paid whether they make money for you or not.
Young or old, everyone can learn to trade.  All you need is the calculator on your phone and you have all the tools necessary to take this course and learn a skill that can make you money for the rest of your life!
This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!
Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!
All our Sharper Trades courses come with:
Over 20,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.
Click “Take This Course” and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!

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Option Trading for Rookies: Pro Strategy – Selling Options
Option Trading for Rookies: Pro Strategy – Selling Options course coupon
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via R. G.

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