Saturday, June 17, 2017

FREE Android Development for Newbies (8+ Hours of Content) course coupon

Learn everything that you need to know to develop Android applications for fun and profit.

There goes a chinese proverb – “Tell me, I’ll forget. Show me, I’ll remember. Involve me, I’ll understand.”
The highest degree of learning takes place with your involvement. And this course is designed to do exactly that. This course introduces you to the basics of Android development. You will need some Java fundamentals to get started. If you are not sure about the difference between an abstract class and an interface you might have to refresh your Java concepts before proceeding.
Also, if you are new to Java I recommend John Purcell’s Java Course, in order to acquire the minimal Java programming skills required to step into Android development.
I’ve also got you some companion code which you can download from the appropriate lectures. You’ll be working on the source code along with me, so that you could get a good grasp on the concepts you will eventually be introduced to. At the end of this course you’ll be able to write and deploy AWESOME!! apps to Google Play.
How is this course designed?
Since this course is for beginners, I highly recommend you to take this course sequentially. You can pick on random videos, but remember – the complexity increases down the road so it is imperative that you take them one by one.
What makes me qualified?
What are you waiting for? Gear up and lets have some fun!!

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via R. G.

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