Wednesday, June 14, 2017

FREE Beginners Reflexology course coupon

An ancient practice to restore body balance

Reflexology is an ancient, natural and medicineless healing modality.  Reflexology can be used by everyone however there are some conditions need to be considered.  This course aims to help you take back power and control over your personal health with this empowering, simple and easy natural healing therapy.  Truly holistic, Reflexology can restore balance and harmony to mind, body and spirit.  Share this healing modality with your family and friends and see their health and well-being flourish too.
This course “Beginners Reflexology” is created by Deborah Casey a Reflexologist with over 16 years post qualification experience in many natural healing modalities, provides recorded video, powerpoint recordings and various files to help you achieve your learning goals and accomplish.  This course is being added to throughout the coming months to include foot maps, giving a treatment, self-treatment and much more.
If you are tired of being sick and ill, and want to reduce time off work and enjoy a fuller life experience then sign up today and begin to address your health needs in a natural and safe way.  Your learning outcomes include providing a full treatment session to a yourself and another adult.

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via R. G.

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