Monday, July 31, 2017

FREE Intro to Photoshop for Interior Designers course coupon

Getting Interior Designers up and running with Photoshop fast.

Whats so special about this course?
– This Course is designed with Interior design in mind. So you’ll find I’ve removed all the extra fluff that you find around the rest of the internet.
– It’s laid out as an easy to follow series of classes positioned in a specific order to make sure you come out the other side with a skill set that will help you tackle everyday image manipulation for your Interior Design business.
Why Learn Photoshop ?
1) Save Time
– As you may have already noticed there are a ton of Photoshop videos out there that are spread out all over the internet.
Trying to piece them all together to learn what you need to for your design business is nothing less that a huge time waster. With this intro course you will have the skills to begin using photoshop across many different areas of your business.
– There are many great 3d softwares out there that make very realistic looking designs. But the truth is, the turn around time with these softwares can take up to a week if not more. with a strong foundation of photoshop you can make beautiful designs that look realistic within a day. Although this course does not go into realism it does give you a strong foundation to add more specific Photoshop training to.
2.) Save Money
You’ll save money by understanding how to create your own web graphics, make your products look great, and have enough confidence to run social media campaigns that market your business and get you clients without having to hire a graphic designer.
3.) Be Professional
Photoshop is the most versatile software on the market for creating and presenting designs, which is why 99 percent of professional design companies use it daily. It has both 2d and 3d abilities and even if your design happens to be created with a complex 3d software like Sketchup, 9 times out of 10, you will need Photoshop to finalize the Sketchup render.
4.) Upon completion
You will have expert knowledge of Photoshop and have the advantage over the 99% of the people who don’t.
What it comes with it?
To top it off, It’s free!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

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via Jasmin

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