Learn how to find the Perfect Digital Informations product, how to create, launch and sell it. Build passive income.
Exactly a year ago I started teaching online without having any idea of what’s going on. I have never heard of so-called Digital Products before. It took me several months to collect all the necessary knowledge to create my first course. However, from this moment on I was hooked. I spent day and night improving my knowledge about this kind of business model. I read over 30 books and spent thousands of dollars on courses and seminars, but it was worth it.
Today I’m happy to say that I have over 18.000 students in my courses, which makes me one of the top Skillshare Instructors of 2016. I’m the #1 Skillshare Instructor in Austria and I built a massive Passive Income from it. So you see 2016 was a really great year for myself, but I’m not going to stop there. So what’s next?
I decided to start sharing my experience with other who also want to earn a living creating Digital Products. I offer 1-on-1 coaching, host workshops and now I finally decided to release my 10 Step Digital Product Blueprint on how to create Digital Infoproducts. This 10 Steps are packed with my knowledge, experience and guidelines how I create all my courses. Also, my bestselling courses which over 3000 students enrolled already has been created using this 10 Step Formula.
If you join this class you are going to learn
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via Jasmin
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