How to spot the ideas that surround you, then convert them into ready-to-write story outines
Learn four areas in your day-to-day life that are teeming with nuggets for story ideas–areas of knowledge and experience that most people wouldn’t think of as having any potential. Then learn how to turn those ideas into story outlines by answering just three questions in this easy to implement course.
Put into practice the phrase “Write what you know” using your personal knowledge and experience.
What you know already will surprise you
Experienced writers sometimes run out of ideas, and they call it writer’s block. Fledgling writers are advised to write what they know, but may feel that they’ve led a less than exciting life, devoid of events that might make a good story. The fact is that both kinds of writer are sitting on a goldmine of ideas for stories. We’ll learn how to dig them up and exploit them. Once we’ve got a starting point, the story becomes pretty much inevitable. Especially when you use the questions in this course.
Overview – what’s covered, and what additional resources you get
I designed the course to be fast to digest: the idea is to learn each principle and then put it into practice straight away. The topic lectures get straight to the point, and then give at least one example of that point. In each lecture you’re then shown at least one possible way to develop that example into either the starting point of a story, or how it might be used to add an extra dimension to one. Finally, you then get to see the three Story-telling Questions in action, to leave a story just waiting to be written. Each of the four areas has a downloadable PDF worksheet to act as a summary sheet, or for you to print out and use if you wish.
The great thing is that because your source material is based in reality, it will resonate with your readers. No more reviews saying ‘Oh yes, as if that would ever happen…’
Once you’ve been through this course you’ll never again be stumped for story ideas.
And neither will you think that your life is uneventful.
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via Jasmin
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