Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Brazilian University Launches Cryptocurrency Masters Programme

Brazilian University Launches Cryptocurrency Masters Programme

A major Sao Paulo institution is launching what has been reported as Brazil’s first Master’s degree in cryptofinance. The course comes amid an increasing embracement of virtual currencies on the part of the Brazilian universities, with themes pertinent to cryptocurrency increasingly being incorporated into mainstream tertiary finance studies.

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Brazilian University to Launch Master’s in Cryptofinance Next Semester

Brazilian University Launches Cryptocurrency Masters ProgrammeSao Paulo-based Fundacao Getulio Vargas {FGV} has announced what it claims is the country’s first Master’s degree in cryptofinance.

Program coordinator at FGV, Ricardo Rochman, emphasized the need for greater educational resources to be made available on the subject of cryptocurrency, stating “It is a market with a profound lack of people with expertise. Cryptofinance has economic and financial fundamentals that are worth discussing, researching, and [being] taught.”

Twenty-six-year-old economics student at FGV, Michele Araujo, attested to the benefits to studying the markets from a non-speculative perspective, stating “There is a conceptual gain of knowing both the practical applications of the technology and cryptocurrency as an alternative investment.”

Brazilian Students Form Start-Up/Study Group

Brazilian University Launches Cryptocurrency Masters ProgrammeBrazilian students have also taken initiative and established Blockchain Insper, “a combination of [a] study group and [a] junior company,” according to local media.

The group was established by two economics students in their early twenties – Juan Perpetuo and Felipe Santos. “We had the humility to understand that there is no point in doing something on our own,” Mr. Perpetuo said of deciding to create Blockchain Insper. “We thought we could create a hub that facilitates entry for all students and has a bias of innovation that sets us apart from a junior company,” added. Mr. Santos.

Blockchain Insper was formed over seven months ago and is reported to have established partnerships with five companies operating in the cryptocurrency industry who provide professionals serving as mentors and consultants to the group.

Currently, Blockchain Insper has 23 members who are divided into research teams studying finance, technology, and business, and departments tasked with the management and practical execution of marketing, strategy, content, and events. All students are involved with both practical and research activities.

Cryptocurrencies Incorporated Into Economics Studies

Brazilian University Launches Cryptocurrency Masters ProgrammeLast year, the Faculty of Economics and Administration at the University Sao Paulo incorporated cryptocurrencies into its Derivatives unit – which was pioneered by Professor Alan de Genaro.

Professor Genaro stated that “some issues have to be presented even though the [student] does not go to work in the finance market. People have to understand which factors are beneficial and which are not suitable [regarding cryptocurrency].”

Do you think that cryptocurrency courses will soon be widely available at universities worldwide? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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The post Brazilian University Launches Cryptocurrency Masters Programme appeared first on Bitcoin News.

via Samuel Haig

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