FInd happiness, Fulfillment, and Abundance by Removing Energetic Blocks to Success Gently and Effortlessly
Use Chakra Clearing to release the negative emotion
Get stuck belief systems unstuck
In this experiential video course, you will work through your subconscious blocks and barriers with Joan’s guidance by clearing the emotional traumas of your life.
The Chakras covered in this course are:
This course covers what each chakra does and how to release the problem associated with the chakra.
Benefits: Becoming grounded, releasing core beliefs that do not work. Installing beliefs that you want and energizing or calming down a particular chakra.
Due to the nature of video courses, you will only be working on a ‘global’ scale, not diving as deeply as would be possible with an experience practitioner, however this course will put you solidly on your way to clearing deeper and deeper issues and removing deep seated belief systems that have blocked you since early childhood.
While this course is an advanced level course for graduates of Chakra Healing, it is set up so anyone with good intentions can benefit from it.
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