Friday, March 31, 2017

100% off How to Conduct a Needs Analysis: The Basics course coupon

Step by Step Guide To Find and Fix Hidden Organizational Challenges!
Execute four steps to a needs analysis
Discuss reasons for a needs analysis and pre-planning
Gather and organize data from various sources when investigating a problem
Demonstrate how to evaluate data and training possibilities
Discuss a needs analysis report

** ACCORDING TO DYNAMIC WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS: “Conducting a needs analysis is a critical activity for the training and development of employees and/or clients. Whether you are a human resource generalist or a training specialist, you should be adept at performing a training needs analysis.”
** SPECIAL FREE BONUS** NEEDS ANALYSIS WORKBOOK INCLUDED. In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download of an Excel workbook packed with activities and ready to use models. This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! **
Are you ready to identify and remedy inefficiency gaps and improve the knowledge base in your organization?
In this course, you will learn a four step process to analyze an organization’s personnel performance, test production efficiency, conduct a skills audit and execute a training program with razor sharp precision. This course covers important topics such as organizational surveillance, investigation, analysis and report writing. You will learn or remind yourself of these concepts that will help make you more successful!
The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as a Policy Analyst in The Office of the Presidency of South Africa, founder of Grow2Lead, a leadership and non-profit organization in South Africa and a Data Associate for a leading Education nonprofit in New York City. I received a PhD from Texas A&M University and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Bush School of Government. This course ties together both my theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way.
Students of this course will enjoy learning from an instructor who is committed to practical application, passionate about supporting students through additional resources and continually updating this course with the latest tools.
This course will result in you being able to conduct a Basic Needs Analysis by the end.
What are the requirements?
What am I going to get from this course?
Who is the target audience?

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How to Conduct a Needs Analysis: The Basics
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via R. G.


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