Wednesday, April 5, 2017

100% off Classical Guitar Essentials – The Basics Part 2 course coupon

Let the real guitar playing starts
Play 7 Classical Guitar pieces from famous composers like: J.S.Bach, Giuliani and others.
Know all the notes in the first position on guitar.
Play two and three strings together.
Playing Arpeggios

The 2nd part of this serious which picks up where we left off. It starts with learning notes on the 5th & 6th strings, then introduce the accidentals to fill in the spaces on the frets we left it.
Scales is one of the major issues we going to discuss by playing 2 major scales and 1 minor scale, and explain why they are important for your development as classical guitarist. We gonna take a look at 5 basic chord shapes that will help your left hand adapt and stretch your fingers, so the pieces we will play later will not be that hard on the left hand.
Then we going to switch our focus to the right hand, by learning the chord technique and how to play 2 or more notes at the same time. This section will be filled with exercises to make sure that you get the technique right, as this what differs the classical guitarist from other type of guitar playing like electric and folk.
After that we will be playing 3 of the most famous studies by famous classical guitar composers such as F. Carulli, Mateo Carcassi, and Mauro Giuliani that will take your playing to a whole new level.
Finally at the end we will take a look at one of the most important technique on guitar which is Arpeggio, and play one of the most famous Flamenco pieces of all time: The Malaguena.
So, here is your chance to really play classical guitar. All the lessons are broken down in easy to follow steps. I will not leave a single note, or technique not fully explained.
If you’ve playing guitar for months or even years and struggling to take your playing to the next level, this course is definitely for you. Reading standard music notation is a must for this course, so If you can’t read it why don’t you check out my first course in this serious then come back and continue with this one.
I really hope that you enjoy every lesson here, I know I did.
Thank you.

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Classical Guitar Essentials – The Basics Part 2
Classical Guitar Essentials – The Basics Part 2 course coupon
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via R. G.

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