Monday, May 8, 2017

100% off A complete case study in Power BI for Beginners course coupon

Master the relevant skills for the jobs of tomorrow

The working environment of tomorrow consists of a data driven economy. Data will be the most important resource in the 21st century. In order to succeed companies will hunt for talented skilled employees who are able to to leverage this huge amount data and generate valuable insights.
The Microsoft Power BI Toolbox (including Power Query and Powerpivot) is state of the art software which helps us to deal with huge datasets and generate these insights.
Therefore we should learn to apply these tools asap!
I have always been a strong believer in “learning by doing”. That is why this course consists of a whole case study from beginning to the end to learn and understand the Power BI Suite. Materials are provided so you can follow along and see real results
From my experience this is the best way to learn efficiently. So if you want to prepare yourself and get better job opportunities you will enjoy joining this course. It’s amazing how easy it can be to work with big datasets efficiently as soon as you know how.
So what are you waiting for? It’s you future.

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A complete case study in Power BI for Beginners
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via R. G.

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