Monday, May 8, 2017

100% off neural networks for beginners from scatch course coupon

a beginners guide to master neural networks programming in python

Machine learning and neural networks are got a lot of attention recently. Self driving cars, predictive analytics and other highly advanced topics are closely related to those topics. Therefore it’s of the utmost of importance to familiarize oneself with machine learning and neural networks. The difficult question basically is how to learn and understand neural networks. How to code machine learning algorithms in python?
Especially as a beginner it seems to be very hard to delve into this topic  because of statistics and math which is an integral part of machine learning. None the less I can assure you do not need to be a math expert to apply machine learning. And in this course I show you how.
Instead of telling giving you all the theory behind machine learning, I prefer teaching you a hand on approach, so you can actually write the code yourself.  At the end of the day there’s only one thing that really counts – THE RESULT. I believe in learning by coding. That’s why the course is developed to encourage you to follow along and write the code yourself. At the end you can see your own algorithm’s results.
By joining this course you can leverage the knowledge you acquired from my other courses (Machine Learning for Beginners – Neural Networks, Machine Learning for Beginners and machine learning for beginners – deep dive) and get the chance to dive into the world of neural networks from different perspectives.
If you are searching for hands on machine learning courses to start with, where you get the chance to really practicing to code yourself than this is the course for you!
Besides covering different ways to code neural networks and using tensorflow we will also cover the LSTM (Long short term memory) model and use it in combination with word embedding to train our model to predict movie review sentiment.
I wish you all the best, enjoy the course, get your hands dirty and start coding!
Expect to see you in the first lecture

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via R. G.

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