Thursday, June 15, 2017

FREE Understand Social Media and You Can Dominate It course coupon

There is a Power in Using Social Media Platforms to Market Your Business

A lot has been and will continue to be written and discussed about social media and how best to utilize the features it offers to benefit your business.
In writing and producing this course I have endeavored to look at the whole process in a different way.  Let me explain:
In the first module you will learn the basics of social media, why it works and how and why it will work to grow your business.
You will learn in the module on social media platforms how best to use facebook, linkedin, twitter Instagram, pinterest, snapchat, google+ and youtube by customizing your message to fit each social groups interests.
As I laid this course out in a mindmap it became clear that to get the most out of these 8 platforms some other marketing elements come into play.
Blogging is an integral part of social media so I have included a module on blogging; how to set up a good blogging website, how to appeal to your targeted audience and I even teach you how to monetize your blog if that is going to be your intent, and I give you even more information on how to make money from blogging in my download material.
To write good content for your blog requires and understanding of content writing, I have included a module on that also.
In blogging and on most of the social media sites you will gain a more loyal following when you help them gain an understanding of your company and what it is all about rather than just pitching a product.  That is called branding and I have included a complete module on how to brand your company as well.
The greatest benefit that social media provides for the marketer is the ability to segment the market so your efforts and money won’t be spent talking to the wrong audience.
To  better understand who your target audience is  requires spending time developing an avatar or persona that best represents your ideal customer.   In the module on avatars you will learn through the videos and hands on download how to construct an avatar and how to communicate with him or her or both.
We are discovering that in the 21st century when it comes to marketing, content is king and the preferred method  for customers to learn about your company and your product, in other words your content, is through images and videos.
With this course you will find and enormous amount of downloads including an ebook to use as a ready reference for most of the modules.   Included in the downloads is a tool book.  I refer often to a list of links etc in each module.  I have compiled these various links and other references into a tool book for your ready reference.
When you have completed this course you will have a greater understanding of how social media works for business and how to use it to grow your business, plus the added bonus of understanding branding, content writing and blogging.  All areas you must be familiar with to thrive in the 21st century.

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via R. G.

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