The solution to the unbearable dependence on physicians, therapists, pain killers and surgeries
LEARN how to treat your back originated pains by yourself, in a way that you can use over and over again
REDUCE and maybe even eliminate the pain and increase the level of comfort
EXPERIENCE the reduction in the level of pain e from moment to moment
IMPROVE posture and ease of movement
SLEEP better, awake fewer times during nights
BE ABLE to sit, stand, walk and lie, with less or with no pain
UNDERSTAND how learning simple movement can transform your quality of life, easily and elegantly, with no pain, exertion or stretch
ENJOY the learning process
do you find yourself totally dependent
on physicians, therapists, pain killers and surgeries/procedure?
release yourself easily from your back originated pains:
immediately, without any effort, strech or pain, with no experience whatsoever
learn step by step how to free yourself from your pains,
while you are already sitting, working, eating, watching the movie and so on,
this course is applicable to all back originated pains:
sciatica, degenerative disc and vertebrae spine diseases, skoliosis, spinal stenosis,
parkinson diseases, post stroke, and more
You will learn exactly how and why these movements work
so that you could use them over and over again for different tipes and locatins of pain.
Ada Medek from Qweenstown Australia says:
“I was drown to the fact that Orna is a highly experienced phisiotherapist,
not only a quallified feldenkrais theacher.
And the clincher for me was that Orna herself suffered from back problems for few years
For me it was a real trinity: I thought that Orna was someone who really understand my pains.
I have never done exercises like this that are so easy to do,
You feel like you do so little, you don’t strech anything,
You just relearn how to move in a proper way, that allows your body to let go.
I get a lot of benefits from the exercises:
I have learned how to walk in a way that doesn’t stress my back so much,
so i can go back to walk like I used to.
I also learn how to lie on my belly again with no pain,
which is a huge thing for me.
Most of the pains I suffered from and that I spent thousants of dollars on them
just to see them comming back after maximum few weeks – are gone.
I find it incredibly comfortable to do it from the comfort of my own home,
at the times that i want to do it.
I highly recommend that if you suffer from any kind of pain that you would absolutly give it a go.
The only thing you can possibly loose, is your back originated pains.
You and your family would thank yourself.
Free of Pain is not just a bonus for me, it’s a bonus for everyone around me .
So if you want to do something for your pains that would stop you from going again and again to doctors
and therapists, and spend time and money on things that only work for short time,
I highly recomend that you give this Free of Pain Series of courses a go,
and you will have tools for life”.
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via R. G.
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