Monday, July 31, 2017

FREE Analyze & Visualize with Power BI: Real life excercises course coupon

Become an expert Data Analyst by learning how to Analyze and Visualize data with Power BI, including real scenarios

In this information driven world, just about every area of our lives is connected by technology and all of our actions are being stored in databases. An estimated total storage of approximately 295 billion gigabytes or 295 exabytes of data has been stored.
We are literally surrounded by an ocean of data. Business owners realize the potential value of information, But need someone to translate this into a visual and non technical way, thus giving rise to data analysts.
Learn data analysis and visualization through Power BI
Create opportunities for you or the stake holders or the key decision makers to discover insights of data patterns such as Sales trend, customer behavior and many more
You’ll learn all of the features in Power BI that allow you to explore, experiment with, fix, prepare, and present data easily, quickly, and beautifully.

Why should I learn data analysis and visualization?
Apart from the financial rewards ranging from $85,000 to $100,000. If you are good with numbers and are logical and curious in nature and most importantly wants to share your knowledge, learning this can be very rewarding.
The satisfaction of joining and piecing all scattered and compressed bits of data together, manipulating and analyzing it to translate it into the most accurate model of the real world by visualization and non technical language is very satisfying.

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via Jasmin

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