Friday, January 4, 2019

Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase

Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential Privacy Disaster, Voorhees Defends Coinbase

In today’s roundup of crypto chatter, Jonathan Silverblood responds to Amaury Sechet’s privacy concerns with Cashaccount. Erik Voorhees defends Brian Armstrong from criticism on the latter’s 10 year Bitcoin anniversary tweets. Also, Nikita Zhavoronkov congratulates Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.

Also read: The Platform Tethers Names to Bitcoin Cash Addresses  

Amaury Sechet’s Privacy Concerns With Cashaccount

Bitcoin ABC lead developer Amaury Sechet took to Twitter recently, proclaiming that the new BCH-powered alias-address system Cashaccount will be a privacy disaster. Surprisingly, Cashaccount creator Jonathan Silverblood agreed with Sechet, as the founder believes his project will lead to more BCH users reusing Bitcoin addresses. This would be bad for privacy, as reused addresses can be used to discover financial information that users may not wish to disclose.

To resolve the potential lack of privacy, Silverblood asked Sechet to collaborate with Openbazaar developer Chris Pacia on stealth keys, or to assist with the development of BIP-47.

However, other commentators like Crypto Pelé were not as concerned with a lack of privacy. Pelé pointed out that some BCH users are fine with the transparency that comes with reusing addresses.

Erik Voorhees Defends Brian Armstrong From Criticism

To commemorate Bitcoin’s 10th year anniversary of the Genesis Block, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong posted a series of tweets reminiscing how he first got into bitcoin.

In the thread, Armstrong recounts reading the Bitcoin white paper in 2010 and becoming obsessed about Bitcoin for the subsequent 6 months. He began building a bitcoin wallet for Android devices as a side project, but then pivoted to a hosted wallet and a custom Bitcoin node. After securing funding from Ycombinator, Armstrong started working on his business idea full time and settled on the company name Coinbase. He then ended the tweet-storm on a positive note, boldly proclaiming that he has “never had more conviction” on the future of cryptocurrencies.

Not everyone responded positively to Armstrong’s tweets. Commentator Simon Moon called Armstrong out for being a fake libertarian, arguing that Coinbase is a government-backed monopoly.

Shapeshift CEO Erik Voorhees quickly stepped in to defend Coinbase’s CEO. Voorhees pointed out that regulation was not Coinbase’s fault and that Coinbase has helped introduce millions of people to cryptocurrency.

1 Billion Outputs on the BTC Blockchain

Blockchair lead developer Nikita Zhavoronkov also took to social media to wish Bitcoin a happy 10th birthday. While many congratulated Bitcoin on it’s Genesis Block, Zhavoronkov took the opportunity to congratulate Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.

What do you think of privacy issues surrounding the Cashaccount’s identification system? Let us know in the comments below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.

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The post Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase appeared first on Bitcoin News.

via Marcel Chuo

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