Monday, March 13, 2017

100% off Create a Logo For Your Startup or Blog by Yourself course coupon

3 days left at this price!
Learn principles of logo design and practical techniques to create your logo
Learn the basic principles of good logo design
Understand the color psychology in marketing and the meaning of shapes in logo symbols
Learn how to create professional looking logos using PicMonkey and PowerPoint 2010 or newer version
Test, if your logo is readable
Create logo symbols from images
Know where to get images that can be legally used
Add new fonts to your computer

Need a logo for your startup or blog, but cannot afford to hire a designer? That’s OK. You can learn how to create a simple logo by yourself. I’ll show you how to do this in PowerPoint 2010 (or you can use a newer version) and using PicMonkey free version, in case you don’t have access to PowerPoint. You can also mix both tools to get the best out of them.
In the beginning I’ll give you a little bit of theory so that you know how to create your logo according to good logo design principles and then we will move to practice. I’ll show you several examples and techniques for creating your logo in PicMonkey and PowerPoint. And then you will learn how to test your logo to be sure that it will look good and will be readable on different color backgrounds and in different sizes. And in the bonus section, you will find out where you can get free images for your other design projects, how to add new fonts to your computer and other cheap logo creation alternatives.
Don’t worry if you haven’t studied in a design or art school, because with the tools available, ANYBODY can create simple logos for their startup, blog or website. And this is what you will learn in this course. As a result, you will be able to create your logo even if you are just trying for the first time.
Since I value your time, the lectures are just as long as they need to be in order to show you practical information and tips. No empty talk.
In the case you don’t find this course valuable, you can always receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase through Udemy.
Enroll in this course and create your logo now!

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Create a Logo For Your Startup or Blog by Yourself
Create a Logo For Your Startup or Blog by Yourself course coupon
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via R. G.

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