Wednesday, March 15, 2017

100% off Learn C Programming in Visual Studio For Beginners/Everyone course coupon

Master C programming including advanced as well as complex parts
Master Visual Studio on Windows for C/C++ programming
View and Use Source Code Examples
Practice Coding in C with Visual Studio throughout the entire course
Ask questions and receive help and feedback on a first come first serve basis
Test knowledge and understanding with end-of-section quizzes
Understand pointers, dynamic memory management and become fluent in C

Hurry up and take advantage of this special offer before 3/15/2017:
THE FIRST 500 WHO USE THIS COUPON: LAUNCHCFOR10, will get this course for $10 (92% off the original price!)
Learn & Master C Programming with Visual Studio For Beginners and Everyone!
The Complete C Course with over 50 easy to follow projects built using C on Visual Studio
In this course, we’ll explore the C programming language from the ground up. We’ll begin with a brief section on computer basics followed by a Hello world program in C and walk-through to understand its elements and to dissect it.
You will be introduced to the main elements of C like data types, operators, arrays, strings, pointers…etc. We will cover ALL C KEYWORDS in this course, when and how to use them with coding examples!
I have dedicated entire sections for pointers, arrays and strings. This course has the most extensive details on how an why we need pointers. I guarantee you will not find any other course that covers pointers in this depth with easy to understand and follow examples.
There is even a full section on mastering Visual Studio included here for free so you can master using it for C/C++ and even C#.
This course will help you learn and master C language as well as become a professional programmer on your own pace by watching me as I introduce you to the concepts and fundamentals of programming and writing efficient code in C with easy to follow lectures that are full of hands-on practices and coding!
During this course I will share with you the tips and tricks of the trade that I learned throughout my 20+ years of professional career as a software engineer!
I will teach you C language and programming from the ground up as I assume you have no prior programming experience. I have included sections for people who have never programmed before, but for those who are already programming, they can either watch them to refresh on some fundamentals or simply chose to skip them altogether.
If you want to become a professional software developer then search no more, you have found the right course!
Why learn C?
C has been around for over 30 years and it is not going anywhere. Chances are you’re going to run into code already written in C or you may need to interface with code that was written in C whether you’re programming in C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, C# or VB.NET
C Knowledge is important as it exposes you more to the hardware and you learn how memory works which helps you write more efficient and more optimized code
C makes you a better Java, Python, Ruby or even C# programmer.
C is also good for game development for performance reasons as well as OS level programming
C code is portable, so you can write cross-platform applications once you master it
Even though I chose Visual Studio on Windows to teach you C programming, the concepts and ideas you learn here are portable and can be applied to any other platform, IDE or OS with little or no effort at all.
Why Visual Studio?
I think Visual Studio is one of the best IDEs for programmers and I have dedicated several lectures especially to mastering Visual Studio and I share many tips and tricks that will help you customize it and get comfortable with it in no time!
If you are serious about becoming a professional software engineer or programmer, then this you MUST consider this course!
What you will learn:
Who should take the course?
This course is structured in a way that ANYONE can simply benefit from it!
If you answered YES to ANY of these questions then this course is for you!
What are the requirements?
What am I going to get from this course?
So go ahead and ENROLL IN THIS COURSE!!!
Over 13 hours of information and knowledge gathered throughout 20+ years of experience all at your disposal with a click of a button!

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Learn C Programming in Visual Studio For Beginners/Everyone
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via R. G.

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