Easy & Fun Ways To Learn Portuguese
Student will be able to read, understand and communicate in Portuguese
Greet and introduce yourself and others in Portuguese
Interact in everyday situations (eating out, traveling, asking for help, expressing your thoughts, introducing yourself, asking how someone is, saying where you are from, travel arrangements, taking a cab, In the city, Months of the year, days of the week, numbers, colors, etc.) with the help of the Modal verbs
You will be able to express yourself accurately
You will speak Portuguese with confidence
You will be more fluent and at ease
Communicate successfully in everyday situations
Talk about your daily routine and discuss the weather
Make appointments and arrange meetings
Write, revise and proofread short texts in Portuguese
Pronounce Portuguese words correctly
Use Portuguese grammar with ease and fluency
Use regular, irregular, auxiliary, modal and separable verbs – without being afraid of making mistakes
Form a correct present tense sentence – with the correct verb and word order
You will think in Portuguese
You will be more self-confident
How does the method work? In this course, I’ve broken down the learning process into stages. I understand that the main aim of any language learner is to be able to speak and understand the language as quickly as possible so the first stage is to give you the most useful words in Portuguese and show you how to put them together into phrases. This gets you speaking straight away and you’ll be learning to say things that you’re actually going to need to say. Before the end of the first lesson you will already be forming sentences in Portuguese. Then, once you’ve grasped the fundamentals of the language (which won’t take very long) I’ll begin to add structure.
The structure of any language is called its ‘grammar’ and I’ll explain all this in a simple and easy to understand manner, and by knowing the structure you’ll be able to talk about anything you want. At the same time, I’ll constantly be adding new vocabulary and showing you techniques to remember it all.
Minimum input – Maximum output
You will be taught only small amounts of information but what you will then be able to do with that information is incredible.
“Give a man a fish; he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish; he’ll eat for a lifetime”
Rather than being given set phrases as it what normally happens when learning a foreign language, you will be shown the structure of the language enabling you to form your own phrases and sentences and have meaningful conversations instead of simply reciting what you have memorized. This again goes back to “minimum input – maximum output” Learning the structure of a language requires less time and effort than memorizing enough set phrases for you to be able to express yourself in any situation. I’ll show you how to use the language so you’ll be able to communicate in any new situation, not just ones for which you have practiced.
Develop the Abilities Needed to Overcome Fear, Anxieties, Shyness, Anxiety, Suffering, and Success when you need to SPEAK, TALK, READ, LISTEN IN PORTUGUESE . Step by Step how to become a confident person to communicate in another language, know what to say, when to say and what to ask at the right time. You will Overcame All Obstacles and Became a Better communicator, in no time!
You need to learn how to deal with difficult questions, you need to learn how to deal with situations that are embarrassing, you need to learn how to get out of unexpected situations, you need to learn to answer difficult questions without seemed negative.
There is no “magic wand”, “Secrets Unveiled”, what will happen is: change of attitude, search for knowledge, efforts and dedication until you reach your goals to learn Portuguese.
If you went through numerous Portuguese lessons or if you have been trying to Learn Portuguese without any success or if you think Portuguese is too difficult, or if you are ready to give up… Well!! I will show you an EASY, FUN and FAST WAY to Learn Portuguese.
Portuguese is my NATIVE Language and I learned the English Language on my own. I have not had the opportunity in acquiring a course like this that you are having right now. If I had a chance I would not let it go. Because? Because I had to learn English by myself, on my own, I had to cry several times alone and swallow my tears without anyone noticing. This course has come to help you resolve the impasse, the pain; the desire to not feel more frustrated and confused every time you go to talk, read or speak in Portuguese. Enroll in this course, watch the videos, download the eBook in PDF, and download the audios to listen in your car, or at home or anywhere, so you can learn as much as you can by gaining knowledge that is exposed right here to your access.
Several years of research, interviews, dedication, efforts, and sleepless nights. The price of this course is very affordable to you, if you take in comparison the time I spent, the dedication, the work done. You will get a full course in video. Hundreds of hours of
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