Start your Podcast Today. Learn Podcasting Tips for Launching a Successful Online Show
Learn How to Make a Podcast
Publish a new episode in less than 15 minutes (not including recording and editing time)
Set up your own popular Podcast show
The Secret to Ranking on iTunes, the 800 Pound Gorilla of Podcasting
Discover How iTunes and Apple can Send Millions of Podcast Listeners to Your Show
Discover How to Build a Fanatic Following of Fabulous Friends
How to Choose the Right Microphone For Your Show
How to Conduct Interviews Across the Globe
Learn to Podcast with a Podcasting Pioneer and Host/Executive Producer of over 40 different Podcasts! Everything you need to get started and a lot more…
****Course Up To Date As Of December 24th, 2016. New Lectures Added (#50: [New!] Use Belive.TV to create Q&A sessions and Monologues, #51: [New!] Use Belive.TV to Create Interviews for Your Podcast, #23: The Blue Yeti Microphone, #42 Add Your Podcast to Google Play and Android Phones, and Lecture #71: Bonus Lecture: Done For You Podcasting and Write a Bestseller at the Same Time)****
NEW SECTION: How to Start a Podcast with LibSyn!
Liberated Syndication (libsyn) pioneered the system to host and publish podcasts in 2004. And since then has grown to the largest leading network with over 2.6 billion downloads in 2014. Libsyn hosts over 25,000 shows with 44 million monthly audience members.
Discover how to make a Podcast – Fast, Easy and FUN! Join over 12000 students using Power Podcasting to position themselves as THE Expert, build relationships, grow their influence, increase sales, and change the world.
What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as free radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one.
Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to free, commercial-free audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover an interesting fact: Online Radio beats AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD’s, TV Music channels, & Sirius!
If you look at the number of people listening to these free shows monthly, they are as popular as Twitter with 39 mIllion listeners, even if it doesn’t get the same ‘Love’.
But instead of communicating in impersonal 150 character Tweets, with Power Podcasting, you get right into the head of your target market for as long as they let you.
They are portable — and because of this, they are more personal.
Imagine whispering into the ears of your ideal customers every week… building strong relationships, trust and connections. But instead of One-to-One, Power Podcasting is One-to-Many! Our students know that Podcasting is relationship building in the sales process, and not the time to go for the hard close.
These listeners are higher income earners. They listen daily to an hour and forty minutes more audio than the average American consumer. They are dedicated to continual learning, so just imagine what happens when your show is available on new cars all over the world…
Power Podcasting “allows you to convey your personality in a much stronger way than is possible through the written word. That clarity in your message is seen and felt through your actions (on video) and the tone of your voice…” according to Chris Ducker, Author of #1 Bestseller ‘Virtual Freedom’.
When you claim your seat in this course, you’ll have permanent online access to watch the course 24/7, and there’s a Q&A discussion section in each lecture, where you can post questions – and I’ll answer them personally!
By following the short, simple, easy-to-follow lectures, you will be able to work through the process of setting up your show and publishing your first episode quickly.
The course was designed to accomplish one goal: Start a Podcast as fast as possible. I recommend watching the first 6 sections in their entirety. There are PDF workbooks included for you to use to clarify your topic, title, descriptions, intro and extros.
For ‘Type A’ personalities, there is a “Fast Track” Lecture (Section One, Lecture #6), in which if you already have a finished MP3 or MP4 file, reveals which lectures to watch so that after following only 33 minutes of video, you will have your show live and into iTunes. In other w
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via R. G.
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