Sunday, March 5, 2017

100% off Smashwords Self-publishing course

Smashwords Self-publishing teaches the self-published author how to publish your book everywhere but Amazon
Understand what Smashwords is and how it works
Determine whether Smashwords publishing is for you
Learn to format your manuscript for Smashwords publication
Learn to upload your manuscript for Smashwords publication

Smashwords is the fast way to publish everywhere that is not Amazon. But it’s not for everyone.
Allow me to explain…
First, you should publish in Amazon Kindle format via KDP. Kindle eBooks are where you’ll find most of your readership and therefore generate the most revenue. If you haven’t already published via KDP, stop reading now and check out my course entitled “Publishing on Kindle: Self-publishing eBooks on Amazon KDP”.
Second, you should publish in Print on Demand (POD) paperback format via CreateSpace. If you haven’t already done so, stop reading now and check out my course titled “Publishing on CreateSpace: Self-publishing Books on Amazon”.
Third, I recommend that you enroll in the KDP Select program to generate more revenue on Amazon Kindle eBooks through the KU and KOLL lending programs and to take advantage of promotional opportunities only made available to members of this program. Entering the KDP Select program requires that you publish your eBooks exclusively with Amazon and therefore do not publish on Smashwords.
If you have already 1) Published via KDP, 2) Published via CreateSpace and 3) chosen not to enter the KDP Select program, this course is for you.
This is the final step. Now that you’ve published on Amazon, use Smashwords to publish everywhere else. Smashwords will transform your Microsoft Word formatted document to the appropriate formats required by several eBook readers (e.g. ePub, MOBI, PDF …) and then distribute your book for sale at all the non-Amazon eBook distributors (e.g. Apple iBook store, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd …).
In this course you’ll learn everything you need to publish via Smashwords. You’ll learn:
So, if you’re ready to publish everywhere that is not Amazon, I’m ready to show you how.

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via R. G.

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